Hartman’s Complete Guide for the Medication Aide is a comprehensive textbook written for nursing assistants seeking to become certified as medication aides. It covers every aspect of the job, from communicating with other care team members to understanding basic pharmacology and administering medications by various routes. This textbook includes material required by the majority of states, with supplemental information and procedures located in the instructor’s guide.
Our book includes material on:
The instructor’s guide to teaching from our textbook contains the following elements for every chapter: an overview of teaching strategies; page references for the textbook; teaching outlines for every learning objective; and critical thinking activities that may include case studies, role-playing scenarios, games, or conversation starters. Appendices include the following: supplemental information and procedures for states with longer or more intensive course requirements; review materials and games to reinforce medications and medication classes for common conditions; and multiple choice chapter tests. The instructor’s website contains PowerPoint presentations for each chapter that complement the instructor’s guide content and include abbreviated lecture material, student-directed questions, and critical thinking questions related to the procedures.
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Textbook Paperback ISBN: 978-1-60425-131-9 | 25.00 | 20.00 | 18.75 | 17.50 |
Instructor’s Guide | Download FREE at instructors.hartmanonline.com |