Wayne County is the Twenty-Fourth Judicial Circuit. The county seat is Wayne.
Judge Jason J. Fry
(address same as Circuit Clerk)
P.O. Box 68
Fax: 304-272-3246
Judge James H. Young, Jr.
(address same as Circuit Clerk)
P.O. Box 68
Fax: 304-272-6335
Address filings to the Wayne County Circuit Clerk,
Regina K. Thompson
Wayne County Courthouse
P.O. Box 38
700 Hendricks Street
Wayne, WV 25570
Fax: 304-272-3496
Wayne County is the Seventh Family Court Circuit.
Judge Sean Maynard
P.O. Box 429
618 Hendricks Street
Wayne, WV 25570
Fax: 304-272-5126 or 800-550-3516
Magistrate David Ferguson
(address and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
Magistrate Billy Dell Runyon
(address and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
Magistrate Gary Thompson
(address and fax number same as Magistrate Clerk)
Sheila Scites, Clerk
Wayne County Courthouse
P.O. Box 667
100 South Court Street
Wayne, WV 25570
304-272-6388 or 272-5648
Fax: 304-272-5988
Andrew Smith, Chief
Probation Office
Wayne County Probation
P.O. Box 7
622 Hendricks Street
Wayne, WV 25570
Fax: 304-272-6399